29 Oktober 2011

I sucks -,-

Wait . How to start an entry ?

Good day sunshine(s) ?

Hello peeps ?

Hey there,I can seeeeee you ?

Okay. whatever . *These are one of the side-effects caused by the LONG-TIME-NO- WRITE disease:) *Lol. Lost memories ?

So. Hello World . How’s life ?

No reply. Uh. How I wished I could get a respond from ,urrmm , the blog itself ?

Or from someone who actually read this ?

*Haiz , no ordinary human would actually type my blog URL on their search column . why ? Because they hate me so much. Why again ? Because they judge me on physical appearence and someone who over-reacted . And not forgetting. Hypocrite J

Laughing here. Hey. Who cares. Hate me ? And thats called jealousy. Thats the only therm I could think of : )

So . I feel like I AIN’T NOTHING lately.

And my mind. I’ll explode. Too many stuffs to think at one time .

Too many. Other girls would proberbly list their problem in their

Privated blog page or in their diary, but me ? <~~~ She’s and idiot plus a total secretive.

The truth is my Heart . Urmmm, is. urm . WORD FAILURE L

Why can’t I ever be honest to myself.

I lied each day. Dying inside when i see those smile that kill be without leaving a scar. Being not able to speak out my mind and thinking way to much. Pretend i’m strong *like a guy* . Cry seldomly. Fake a smile like . always .

Hate how my friends treat me but never had the initiative to tell them the truth.

And again. Pretend that boys are my number one enemy.

Each time I talk to a boy. I talk broadly. Like I’m too good,unbeatible or in one word. PERFECT.

Why the hell did i even behave that way. I’ll regret after each conversation with a boy.

I’ll think of each and every word i’ve said to them and feel like cutting my tongue into pieces.

I hate it when my mind can’t control my mouth. -,-

Okay. This is a longer entry that i have expected .

So . Pray that I will live and continue my entries in the future. Haha. K

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