27 Jun 2011

lucky ? :)

i have learn a lot.
yeah.world had taught me that being different
is the whole point to lead a life
that no one had before
At first . i thought i'm freaking lame or something
till i can't fit in the group .
what group ?
a'ha well. bunched of popular girls in school
or perhaps the smarty - pants?
= no one wanna friend with nerdy don't they .
no matter how genius they are. how expert they
in solving unsolved problems.
how sad isn't it.
key. back to the point
now . i knew . having a perfect life doesn't mean you
have to ACT perfect !
guess what. i have the best friendship
the world had ever known. i swear :)
yeah . we're not popular or something
but the best part is we don't have to act as someone else.
i'm being me and so do everyone.
we don't even bother whether our laugh sounds funny
or maybe we're just smiling too much
or perhaps we act silly in public !
its just so memorable - every second counts you know .
not forgetting . we do behave childish sometimes *always , heee :)
like- sing some old-folk songs.
creating our own version of justin bieber's songs
and the best goes to :
getting soak wet in the rain and get dried in the toilet
*so that the water just blend in with our uniforms . BAD us.
umm , we may not be popular
but trust me . this is better than being popular.
we just don't have to worry about anything
i meant no boys. no parent's etc.
its just don't ever try to break school rules
RULES are RULES. and its better if they stay that way .
and lastly . I miss you best friend !
**paham-paham sendiri lar makcik snow white ! =)

p/s : okey . im'ma friends are currently under ryan higa's spell.
Any charm to cure them ? :P
andand Ilovethesongtitled Talkingtothemoon :)

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